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Thinc Solutions

Microsoft Sharepoint

Empower your business with the ultimate collaborative tools to get your whole team working more efficiently than ever.

A single source of the truth across your whole business

Accelerated collaboration

Work together like a well-oiled machine
Microsoft SharePoint creates a complete collaborative environment for your team, simplifying the way you work together. Share documents, ideas, and insights with ease – all in real-time. Say goodbye to endless email threads and hello to seamless teamwork.

Centralised knowledge hub

Keep everything in one accessible spot
Microsoft SharePoint will become your centralised knowledge hub, allowing you to store and manage all your important files, documents, and resources in one secure location. This makes it easier than ever for your team to find, access, and collaborate on projects – so everyone is on the same page, and nothing slips through the cracks.

Customise your experience

A tailored solution to suit your unique needs
With Microsoft SharePoint, you can easily customise your digital workplace to match your company’s particular workflow and business needs. The user-friendly interface makes it a breeze to create your own bespoke experience, elevating your productivity to new levels.

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Chat to one of our experts to discover how Thinc could transform the way you do business.

Intelligent search

Find exactly what you're looking for, when you need it

  • Advanced search features
  • Quick access to documents
  • Personalised search results

When you need an important document or bit of information, you don’t want to spend all day trawling through irrelevant results to find it. SharePoint's intelligent search capabilities make it easy to locate and access the information you need, saving you time and boosting your productivity.

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Mobile accessibility

Stay connected, wherever you are

  • Responsive design 
  • Mobile apps for iOS and Android 
  • Real-time updates 

In the modern world, you’re no longer just doing business in the office. With SharePoint's mobile-first approach, your team can access information and collaborate on the go, so your business is always connected.

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Workflow automation

Automate away all your repetitive manual tasks.

  • Streamlined task management
  • Customised workflows
  • Integration with other Microsoft tools

If you’re spending far too much time on mundane repetitive tasks, SharePoint's workflow automation features will allow you to streamline and automate this work, freeing up valuable time for more important jobs.

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Seamless integration

Connect all your business’ tools for a smooth workflow.

  • Effortless integration with Microsoft 365
  • Compatibility with third-party apps
  • Customisable connectors for your unique needs


SharePoint's seamless integration capabilities allow you to easily connect and work with your favourite tools and applications, whether they’re from Microsoft or a third party. This creates a unified and efficient digital workspace that boosts productivity and simplifies collaboration.

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A solution that’s designed to grow with you.

  • Flexible storage options
  • Seamless integration with other Microsoft tools
  • Easily add new users

As your company grows, Microsoft SharePoint will be there to grow with you. Its completely scalable and offers a range of different tools and storage options depending on the size and requirements of your business.

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Ready to unlock your business' potential?

Chat to one of our expert consultants to discover how Microsoft SharePoint will take your company’s efficiency to the next level.

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If you’re an existing customer looking for support, please e-mail servicedesk@wearethinc.com, or visit our support page where you can download our remote support apps.

Enter your details into the contact form below, and one of our experts will be in touch to arrange a time to speak.

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